This Member's Showcase features Artists in Canada's Active Membership who are dedicated to producing new artwork and crafts. Find Canadian art from paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolour, as well as mixed media, photography, drawings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, wood working and jewelry. Pay no commissions. All transactions are with the artist unless represented by Artists in Canada. Prices are the same as dealing with the artist.
7 Cormorants in a Dead Tree
7 Cormorants in a Dead Tree
L'ours polaire est à perdre son territoire de chasse car les glaciers fondent, il est donc forcé d'aller plus loin jusque dans les villages pour trouver de la nourriture. ( The polar bear is loosing its hunting territory as the icebergs are melting away forcing him out of its territory into villages for food.)
Il semblerait qu'ils ont vu un nid de Piguargue en ville, une première. (It appears that they have seen the ness of a Bald Eagle in town, it is a first)
La Piguargue est considérée vulnérable et non plus en danger ce qui est une bonne nouvelle. (The Bald Eagle is non longer in danger however, it is considered vulnerable)
Comme l'Orignal est surchassé, les naissances diminuent. (Since the Moose is overhunted, there is less young bucks.)
Dans certaines régions du Canada l'Orignal est identifié vulnérable dû à la surchasse. (In some regions of Canada the Moose is known vulnerable due to the overhunt.)
La bernache qui était vulnérable il n'y a pas si longtemps nous revient en force. (The Canada Goose which was vulnerable not too long ago is now back in force.
Fence rural farm landscape sunset sunrise farming wire fence field farming farmer fence post
oil painting