Colours of flowers and grass and heat and light blending downwards into the cooler depth of tall grasses.
The Astral voyager is a soul drifting on the nightfall breeze to eternity
AT MY BACK shows two vanishing human shapes from the back and two bent bars at their back symbolizing hypocrisy and backbiting
At Night some of my beloved trees glow blue and green in the moonlight and according to stories from my Métis granny, they tell us things if we keep quiet
A winter moon held in the hands of a pale, diaphanous angel form. The hours before the war darken before light returns
A female figure, twirling arms and legs, alone, isolation bringing privacy. She joyfully dances, smiles, and moves. Painted in carnival colours for freedom that joy can give. All colours lend unity to women all over the world.
Désirée is Desire - she sits looking into a fragmented mirror unaware of the dreams dying around her, unconcerned, she has only her outward appearance in mind remains unconscious of the shallow life she has
I was taught Nature comprised of Mothers and Daughters - the Earth and Heaven. Together they create all of life. The give and take between them created Men and love and children came to life.
A woman's face, eyes rolled heavenwards in religious ecstacy, a halo of fire as her mind is touched by God
Inspired by seeing the slash and burn operations in Prescott-Russell Counties, ongoing since 2013, I watched the machinery uncover a forgotten cemetary and I saw - or I felt this could be an omen
EVE LA BELLE - the fertility godess statues in archaology are the inspiration here in torso and deep rich colours
Death leaves her checkpoint to meet a Freedom Fighter, to hand him a leaking box of the sads of time while the earth burns off canvas. There is a white fence vanishing away dividing blue eternity from death of the earth - the Freedom fighter is the last hope.
The woman's voice - unheeded, calls out a warning that we are going too far ... No One can Hear Her painted in 2018 the world wars have escalated and the storms are getting worse and the bird populations are declining more rapidly and the North in the first Innu witnesses has had no snow and 'even the animals have gone' then the fires came ...
Completely enrobed in jewels and precious stones only frightened eyes can peer out from a trap she willingly sold her self into. She has lost freedom. Painted to illustrate how many women sell themselves to men of power and wealth (or perceived power) and find they are slaves. This is painted to portray the fate of some women in our world/civilization
The life of prostitution is the lowest degradation of a woman's existence. Reduced to this by loss of self, brutality, economic conditions, wars, her freedom is as lost as the woman in THE JEWEL TRAP . The figure of a woman, seen from the back, is calling out to two male figures walking away into the night. No one can hear her. At her ankles, the straps of her shoes seem to tie her to two posts on the edge of the pavement, closest to the dark.
The sun's power through closed eyes leaving hot blues and reds ...
Colours of flowers and grass and heat and light blending downwards into the cooler depth of tall grasses.
A painting of myself represented as a blues singer with the Girl with pearl earring by Vermeer but now she is a blues singer because I am tired of the Girl with Pearl Earring constantly showing ... seen too oftern I decided to change it a bit and I like blues singing ladies