DOORS is one of my very early pure abstracts where the painted forms are meant to enhance the viewers' immersion into the depths of all that red: as if to "sink" into all that red.
The addition of the painted forms that could be windows hopefully enhance the viewers" immersion into all that yellow> ie. "sink" into all that yellowness.
Although this abstract landscape is not strictly a colourfield painting it nevertheless shares the most important element of those paintings by immersing the viewers into all the blueness.
DIC HOTOMY ONE is the first of three canvases which explore the intensity and depth of the three primary colours i.e. "sink" into all that yellow.
This second Dichotomy is all about the intensity and depth of the colour blue.
I hope everybody is "sinking" into all that intensity and depth of the colour red.
PORTALS TWO is a classic example of the exploration of the intensity and depth of only one colour, a monochromatically painted canvas in blue and that colour's hues.
PORTALS FOUR is the second monochromatically painted canvas to explore the intensity and depth of blue.
FLOATING is a classic example of a colourfield abstract painting in which the colour blue is emphasized and forms painted serve to enhance the viewers immersion into all that blue.
In this SPLASH an almost infinitesimal suggestio of the colour serves to once again have the viewer "sink" into all the blueness.
Once again just a tiny suggestion of the colour red enhances the viewers 'immersion into the intensity and depth of all that blue.
The interplay between the various hues of the colour blue and the suggestion of white gives this canvas a somewhat haunting appeal.
The divisions between the colours blue, yellow and white (corresponding to blue sky, sun/sunlight and white clouds) emphasize the intensity and depth of those colours.
This very bold and dramatic abstract landscape is the third canvas in the series Fire Seasons and once again the divisions between the colours enhance the immersion into the intensity and depth of each colour.
The relatively minor inclusion of the colour white surrounded by all that blue once again enhances the viewers immersion into all that blueness.