The seasons of man (Les saisons de l'homme)
Our lives are comparable to the four seasons that we encounter in our country.
Spring brings to life the first budding leaves of our childhood, our awakening to life.
Summer’s warm breeze has us live through experiences like ripples on the water, giving us strength to carry on.
Fall changes our ways to show maturity, responsibility, and stability.
Winter makes us look back; remembering our lives gone by and finally having us lay down to rest.
As the seasons roll into a new start so does a new life begins.
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Rebirth (Renaissance)
Awakening of nature (Réveil de la nature)
First buds (Premiers bourgeons)
Summer rustle (Bruissement estival)
Summer heat (Chaleur d'été)
As far as the eye can see (À perte de vue)
Eternal rest (Repos éternel)