Jewelry created by Ottawa artists can be artisanal or high fashion.
Natural materials, precious gems, beads and various metals are used in
imaginative ways to create everything from earrings and necklaces to broaches
and rings.
Jewelry designer Judy Farrell of Ottawa creates unique fashion jewelry and bridal jewelry. Judy works with a variety of materials, including crystals, pearls, glass, bone, natural gemstones, copper and sterling silver chain and wire.
Sara Jarvis creates both functional glass art (lampshades, vases, candleholders...) and more time-honoured stained glass (windows, doors, transoms and more), all traditionally crafted with a cutting edge. Catch the sunshine!
Wooden rings or wood rings either way you say it, beautiful. All wooden rings are hand crafted by myself from start to a fine finish. Custom work is always welcome, drop me a line.
Handmade gold and silver personalized jewellery by Ottawa jewelry designer Arcana Dea Design. Partial proceeds from all sales support mental health awareness and colon cancer awareness charities.