Art by Canadian painters capture landscapes, wildlife, portraits, figures, still-lives and abstract ideas in oil, acrylic and watercolour. Contemporary art can be found at the heart of a new generation of experimentation and mark making.
Recent work
Virtual exhibit of Bruno Cote, Canadian painter
Abstract painting and more... Virtual gallery of the Montreal artist Louise Couillard
D.G.Coupal is a Canadian painter educated at McGill University, He was mentored by Bruce Le Dain RCA and also studied under Gentile Tondino, RCA.
autochtone aboriginal first nation metis gallery
Colourful figurative and realistic paintings -- Main subjects are flowers and children
Yan D. Soloh, artiste peintre, expositions, Galeries, Collection... : Intensité et contemplation; Se consacre exclusivement à la peinture depuis le tournant du siècle.
partly realistic and abstract, study of colour and light
There is a subtle sense of irony to be found in all of his paintings that incorporates subjects from cityscapes to still life compositions.
I am a Canadian visual artist of Romanian origin, working full-time since 2002. I work in acrylics, watercolor and acrylic inks, colorfull landscapes, nudes, portraits.