Artists In Canada was formed in 2000 to better connect Canadian artists - from urban haunts to rural settings to the most remote places in our north - with the rest of Canada and the world. We provide economical hosting and website templates for artists as well as marketing and communication opportunities for Canadian artists. Artists in Canada Directory continues to adapt to meet the needs of artists through new programming, including curated art shows and handling art sales for members.
As the site is becoming more diverse, a team of dedicated web builders continue to maintain and reshape the Artists In Canada website. This will ensure the best Canadian artist resource stays current, maintains its standing with the search engines and continues to represent Canadian Art content. Canadian Artists, Art Galleries and Art Resources are encouraged to continue adding their web links into the directory for free. Add a website
Artists In Canada is an independently run directory and is funded by Artist, Art Gallery and Art Resource Memberships. Banner ads by our artists and business sponsors provide valued choices on relevant pages throughout the site. Our ad sponsors are safe links and we encourage you to contact those that interest you.
Stay connected. Join today!
Paul Constable