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Canadian Fine Artist
Diane Morgan
Gran's Sewing Machine

Director's Message

Welcome to the Artists In Canada Directory

Over the years we have undergone many changes and continue to upgrade to keep current with the needs of artists. Artists In Canada is searched at the top of the big search engines and that is where you will be when you list your website. We are here to help market and sell your artwork, provide art news, resources for education, art materials and art related services. We even offer economical hosting, website templates which come with a basic membership.

As an artist living in Canada or an Art Gallery or Art Resource you are eligible to enter your website for free and you will be indexed and found when searched. We don't sell or give out your email, but use it strictly to verify your listing, and provide you with changes and updates. Stay current with the Canadian Arts Newsletter.

Our relationship with each artist starts with a Basic Membership for about (11 cents/ day, 2012 and still the same price). It is a 2year commitment and allows us time to get you started properly. This self-managed section for members can be used to promote artwork sales and present artwork to art buyers and Art Galleries in a nonintrusive manner. Update your images and profile whenever you want, connect with other members, have online shows and participate in our ZOOM art sessions.. You will see there are a number of levels of membership and this will help you define the role Artists in Canada can play in promoting your artwork, website and art career. Membership details.

Need a website? $10/Mo. Ready to go!

If you need a simple website – no URL purchase required – we suggest starting with our Basic website template, includes a membership (saves you $50/year). This is intended for artists wanting to do more art and not deal with the complexities of building a website. It truly is easy to use. See details by clicking here.

Stay connected. Join today!

Paul Constable