Painting, Photography, Landscape, Abstract, Figure
Anita Thomas-Maillé is an artist and a photographer known for her aerial, aviation, and landscape photography. When not relaxing by going for rip on her Kawasaki Z900 motorcycle, she flies frequently with her private pilot husband, capturing her aerial photography from a Cessna 172. Thomas-Maillé’s approach with fine art photography is deeply influenced by her artistic background.
A life-long painter, Anita is often inspired by what she has captured in her photography to reinterpret through acrylics, encaustics, cold wax and oils, watercolours, as well as pen and ink.
Anita Thomas’ award winning photography and art is sold through specialty stores in the city of Hamilton as well as online. She has participated in many juried group and solo exhibitions, arts festivals, and fundraising events including at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, Dundas Valley School of Art, DVSA Gallery, McMaster Innovation Park's Art in the Workplace, Hamilton Public Library galleries, the Fieldcote Museum and the Louvre in Paris, France.
Her work hangs in private collections and in professional offices throughout Canada, the United States, France, Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom.