Art by Canadian painters capture landscapes, wildlife, portraits, figures,
still-lives and abstract ideas in oil, acrylic and watercolour. Contemporary
art can be found at the heart of a new generation of experimentation and mark
Jocelyn Bigot's work, which frankly has a politic dimension, doesn' neglect the esthetics questions, essential to all artistic production, crossed with social questions.
I work primarily in acrylic either on canvas, AND NOW IN WATERCOLOR or other hard surfaces. I recently started using some mixed media including paper, text, textured paints and more. I have also expanded into working with aquarelle/watercolor pencils... (more)
Hello! I am an abstract painter in acrylic. If you like modern art you will find my site visually pleasing. It includes my bio, statement and art gallery. For further info you can contact me through my website.
Born in Montreal but now living in Quebec City, Dany Bouchard studied graphic arts. She developed and exploited her talent by working in this domain, mostly as a freelance artist. In 1997, she began devoting herself exclusively to painting...