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Member's Showcase

This Member's Showcase features Artists in Canada's Active Membership who are dedicated to producing new artwork and crafts. Find Canadian art from paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolour, as well as mixed media, photography, drawings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, wood working and jewelry. Pay no commissions. All transactions are with the artist unless represented by Artists in Canada. Prices are the same as dealing with the artist.

Size: 24"
Medium(s): Abstract
Banu Tulumen
$500 CAD

Brown's Hill Georgeville
Size: 16x20 ins.
Medium(s): Oil
Anthony Hobbs
$850 CAD
Fall colours
Size: 14x18 ins.
Anthony Hobbs
$875 CAD
Star Child
Size: 12 x 12
Medium(s): Abstract Acrylic Pen & Ink
Monika Wright
$400 CAD
Delicate Leaf
Size: 8 x 10 "
Medium(s): Watercolour
Carolanne MacLean
$300 CAD
Autumn Thistle
Size: 8 x 10 "
Medium(s): Watercolour
Carolanne MacLean
$300 CAD
Mauve Daisies
Size: 6 x 8"
Medium(s): Watercolour
Carolanne MacLean
$300 CAD
Blur Yellow Rose
Size: 6 x 6"
Carolanne MacLean
$300 CAD
Size: 20x16"
Medium(s): Oil
Kathleen Slavin
$575 CAD
Forest Light
Size: 24" Wide
Robert Wall
$450 CAD