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Member's Showcase

This Member's Showcase features Artists in Canada's Active Membership who are dedicated to producing new artwork and crafts. Find Canadian art from paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolour, as well as mixed media, photography, drawings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, wood working and jewelry. Pay no commissions. All transactions are with the artist unless represented by Artists in Canada. Prices are the same as dealing with the artist.

Birches in Winter
Size: 23 cm x 30 cm
Medium(s): Prints
Sheri Hathaway
$150 CAD

Birch Trees

Size: 18" x 36"
Joanne MacNair
$500 CAD

Going To The City

Size: 24x36
Medium(s): Oil
Kathleen Slavin
$1400 CAD

Girl In Rouge Dress

Size: 24 X 48
Irene Stroshein
$900 CAD

Harbour Study #2

Size: 12 x 9
Louise Mould
$600 CAD

Swiftly Changing Shore

Size: 24 x 20
Louise Mould
$1100 CAD

The Approaching Storm

Size: 36” x 24”
Louise Mould
$1200 CAD

Salt Water Marsh

Size: 18" x 24"
Louise Mould
$900 CAD

Summer Joy

Size: 12"x14"
Medium(s): Oil
Margaret Chwialkowska
$350 CAD

Champlain Lookout, Gatineau

Size: 32" x 42"
Medium(s): Oil
Margaret Chwialkowska
$2250 CAD