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Artists In Canada Interview Myron Swistun Abstraction

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Join us this week on "Canadian Art Today" as we delve into the mesmerizing world of abstract art with the renowned artist Myron Swistun. In an exclusive interview with Paul Constable and Myron, we explore the depth and dimension that characterize Swistun's unique approach to painting.

Myron Swistun's work challenges viewers to look beyond the surface, urging us to see past the physical impressions and uncover the deeper meanings within his compositions. His paintings are a journey through other dimensions, capturing timelessness and the harmony between seemingly disparate elements.

Discover how Swistun's art transports painterly effects to both aesthetic and spiritual realms, creating a profound experience for those who engage with his pieces. Don't miss this fascinating conversation that takes you inside the mind of one of today's most intriguing abstract artists.

Posted: 2024-06-13
Location: Toronto, ON

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